Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The view from here

Not to say that I've wasted my month here thus far, but as the calendar reminds me that I only have two weeks left here, I think about all the ways I could have better managed me time. Sunday was the perfect example of what every single day here should be. After waking up at 8:30, I spent my day knitting, reading for my online class, finding jobs online to apply for, making more sculpy jewelry, working on metal-wrapped stone pendants, walking to my gramma's, kayaking back from there to our cabin, swimming, taking photographs and playing cards with my family. And if you even think about saying that I should be doing nothing because I'm on vacation...I loathe you. 

What I mean to convey through that laundry list of my day-to-day hobbies is that my ideal day is that right there. And that should have been the majority of every day here. But I have accomplished quite a bit, and hindsight is 20/20, so that's that. I can only enjoy what my summer has been, and look forward to these next two weeks. 

And I cannot even fathom how quickly these two upcoming weeks will be. Until this past weekend, my entire summer had essentially just been shared with my mother, my aunt Camille, and my grandmother. But as my aunt departed on Thursday, my mother's younger brother arrived with his family on Saturday. And as they depart this Thursday, the influx of my entire family will begin to arrive Saturday and Sunday. Cousins, mom's cousins, second-cousin-once-removeds, they will all flutter into the nearby cabins for our family reunion, to take place the first full weekend of August. And then, just a couple short days after the reunion, my mother and I will make our way back to Maryland, where reality stares us in the face.

This all sounds so melancholy. I don't mean for it to be. It has essentially just taken me by surprise, the speed at which this summer is whirring past me. Deep down, I knew it would, but the realization still startled me a bit when it jumped out and announced its arrival.

When I arrive back in Maryland, my real gauge of how successful this summer is will be if I can keep this frame of mind back in the real world. If I will be able to focus on my career, and on getting into grad school, and on the hobbies that I so adore. If I can remain productive and just...happy. From my viewpoint here in Northern Minnesota, from atop the clouds of my own personal heaven, I think this summer will be a success. But, to quote my own personal mantra....We'll see.

And in case you're wondering what the view from my own personal heaven looks like, enjoy some of the shots I've taken over the last few days. 


1 comment:

  1. Good, keep thinking like that ^^
    And I am seriously jealous of your photos...I love the one with the writing book...tho all of them are great! get over here and teach lol
