Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Coolest Small Town in America

The quaint little town of Cook is adorable, and well...quaint. And the lake is a world of it's own. But Ely, MN is my own personal heaven on Earth. As one of the two gateways to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, the town of under 4,000 draws artists, writers and overall hippies from all over the world. Can you feel my heart melting at the thought of thousands of hippies in one, small Midwestern town? You should. 

In Ely, the shopping includes the home galleries of National Geographic photographers, clothing outfitters selling only American made and locally printed t-shirts, and hiking and camping outfitters. Kayaks and Canoes for sale litter the sidewalks. And as opposed to the American Apparel, green movement bullshit, it doesn't hold the slightest bit of pretension. It's not because it's a scene, it's real.

Can you tell that I'm gushing over this town as if it's my new school-girl crush*??

After the weekend vacationers had driven back to their subsequent Minnesota and Wisconsin homes, my mother and I drove the hour-long trek to Ely on Tuesday. We got going around noon, as she wanted to attend a seminar that began at two. Since I clearly did not want to waste a day in Ely at said seminar, I opted to spend my two hours at the International Wolf Center

I'm not sure which precluded which - my love for wolves led to my love of the wolf center, or my many visits to the wolf center as a youth affected my views of wolves - but either way I love wolves. I would go back to college and get a BS, MS and PhD in Animal Science if it meant I could surround myself forever with wild and captured wolves. In any case, I went through the exhibits, etc etc, but then just sat by the windows and watched the four wolves that they've raised at the center. Fortunately, it was a cool day, so the wolves were fairly active, and I was just completely rapt in watching them. And taking photos of them, of course. Overall, the day was wonderful. And although I should head off now to sleep, I'm going to spend my late night looking up info on graduate classes. Ah, vacation!!


*Okay, maybe not. Only room for one at a time. Hrm.

1 comment:

  1. I love the wolf photos! They're such pretty animals. I'm jealous and want to spend two hours there! The town sound adorable, I want to go there too, haha. Instead I get to spend 8 hours in a clothing store, lol. At least it's a job right?
