Friday, July 9, 2010

Nutella and Peanut Butter

Eating habits at the lake are peculiar.

My mother doesn't really cook - she opts for nibbling often instead of indulging in full meals. Which is fine for me for 2 meals per day, but when it comes to dinner, I need something substantial. Because of this, I often end up cooking us dinner, having to remind my mother that, oh yeah, we need a meal. I enjoy cooking, so it works. However, for some reason I have yet to determine, my eating habits at the lake vary quite a lot from those at home. 

And yes, I just asked my mother, the same goes for her.

I'm sure a lot has to do with the fact that it's summer, so we're eating a lot of fresh veggies and fruits. And the fact that we only have one electric burner. And that we have to wash all our dishes by hand, with no running water. If nothing else, all this means is that we eat a lot of sandwiches here. A lot.

Anyway, since I came up to the lake I've been very attentive to what I've been eating. Mostly because I was doing so much physical labor at Ruby's, I knew that I couldn't eat as much here or I would gain a lot of That, in conjunction with wanting to lose a bit of weight, has made me very aware of what I eat.

Which includes nutella and peanut butter. Okay, so that doesn't exactly fit into a health food kick, but everything's fine in moderation, right? :) But seriously, have you ever had a sandwich of just nutella and creamy peanut butter? Aaaaaamazing. 

This may the most banal thing to blog about, but it's been interesting for me to pay attention to while I've been up here. Vacation allows one to notice the menial things that are too superfluous to notice while busy. It's kinda awesome, isn't it?
On a totally separate note, we have a psycho deer living on our property up here. We've seen her many times, by herself, grazing in our meadows. But apparently she hates us. We think she has a little fawn nearby, but this doe is outright aggressive! If anyone is outside, including our quite deaf dog, she will actually come closer to us and start making these weird huffing/clicking noises. It's very odd. But she's cute, see??! 

Though the dog is safely inside, now, I was afraid the deer was gonna charge the poor thing as she ignorantly went on sniffing through the grass. Oh well, no deer injuries today. There's just danger everywhere you look around here, I guess. ha. haha. Alright, enough mindless rambling. Time to get back to working on my online class. Vacation is wonderful.


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