Friday, July 2, 2010

We have our priorities straight

I was speaking to my cousin earlier today, and he was more than surprised to see me online. I explained to him that my mom had installed DSL at our cabin a few summers ago. Then, thoughtfully, I added that we still don't have plumbing, but we have DSL. Because we have our priorities straight. Duh.

There are probably some cons to having internet here, as I am just as capable as wasting my time online here as I am at home, but it's really nice to still have some connection to the world. Plus, this way, I can share all my exploits with you!! And today's exploits are...drum roll!! I finally got my pictures from off my camera and onto my laptop, so you can actually see some of the experiences I'm so pitifully trying to share with words. So without much ado, enjoy some of the sights here at Marvilion!

The cabin when we first arrived, from the driveway

The view of the lake from the front of the cabin...

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